Thursday, February 17, 2011

Team Building: Survival at Sea

         In this activity we had to think if we were on a boat and it was going down what fifteen items would you choose in order from top to bottom to bring with you on the life raft.
  • on my own i chose a 25 liter container of water as number 1, and a small transition radio for number 2
  • These were my choices because in order to survive you need water to drink to fuel your body, the radio i thought was important to talk to peope with but at the time i didn't know you cannot talk back to people only hear them
  • my bottom choices were army rations and fuel
  • i chose these becuase i did not know that rations were food, and thought that if you were on the ocean how could you start a fire
  • my group rate the water and ration as one and two
  • i was close with fishing net and bottle of rum
  • one big suprise that the seat cushion was no where close to the top

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