Monday, February 28, 2011

Opt in #1

  • There are many benefits for having ads on your blog, bloggers may let ads on their side to recieve money from the corporations who run the ads
  • They get the money from the CEOs who need to get their product out in the open
  • Others may put ads on to get people more involved in something that interests the blogger
  • On the other hand pop up ads get really annoying for the person who is trying to get to the site
  • ads also help you to fill up the sides of your blog so instead of having a boring blak page you can have ads to make it more filling
  • The goal of  my blog is to share with teh rest of the class my opinions on topics we discuss
  • I don't think that ads would be a ig deal for my blog to have


  1. Good to know your perspective. If the point of this blog is to share your class experience, could adds hinder that?

  2. I think this is your second Opt In assignment, correct? Please update your post title!
