Saturday, February 26, 2011

Opt in Superbowl Commercial


  • My favorite superbowl commercial was the new 2011 chevy Camaro 
  • This commercial aired for about 1 minute for about 3 million dollars per 30 sec., so it ran for $6 million 
  • A camaro starts at around $22, 680 and for the amount the ad costs they would have to sell 234 camaros and they usually
  • And for the 111 million people who watched the superbowl it would probably take no time at all to get that money back
  • I think that for a company like chevy it wouldn't really matter if they spend 6 million dollars on an ad because they would get the money back in no time

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the insight. What do you think it costs Chevy to build a Camaro? Does this change your estimate of how many they would need to sell to break even?
