Monday, February 28, 2011

Opt in #1

  • There are many benefits for having ads on your blog, bloggers may let ads on their side to recieve money from the corporations who run the ads
  • They get the money from the CEOs who need to get their product out in the open
  • Others may put ads on to get people more involved in something that interests the blogger
  • On the other hand pop up ads get really annoying for the person who is trying to get to the site
  • ads also help you to fill up the sides of your blog so instead of having a boring blak page you can have ads to make it more filling
  • The goal of  my blog is to share with teh rest of the class my opinions on topics we discuss
  • I don't think that ads would be a ig deal for my blog to have

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Opt in Superbowl Commercial


  • My favorite superbowl commercial was the new 2011 chevy Camaro 
  • This commercial aired for about 1 minute for about 3 million dollars per 30 sec., so it ran for $6 million 
  • A camaro starts at around $22, 680 and for the amount the ad costs they would have to sell 234 camaros and they usually
  • And for the 111 million people who watched the superbowl it would probably take no time at all to get that money back
  • I think that for a company like chevy it wouldn't really matter if they spend 6 million dollars on an ad because they would get the money back in no time

Friday, February 25, 2011

Visual Design: Elements and Principles

The six visual design element we talked about are:
  1. Line
  2. Color
  3. Form/Shape
  4. Space
  5. Texture
  6. Value
The six visual design principles are:
  1. Balance
  2. Rhythm
  3. Emphasis
  4. Proportion
  5. Unity

This has color, line, shape, proportion, balance

This has shape, texture, colore, line, balance, proportion, rhythm, space, and value
Image 1 
This watch has color, line, shape, value, texture, and proportion

This lock has color, line, tecture, shape,

 These cars that you can find daily have shape, form, value, color, line, demension, proportion, unity

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What's Going On post

  • I found this ad in a wired magazine
  • This is an ad for sprint 3G phones
  • This is probably designated for business men or women who need to keep posted on thing going on in their business
  • Andre olsen is my partner and he chose an ad for an app that helps you search for products for on your smart phone
                       Effective Graphic Design
  • This add is large an gets your attention it is delivered to more of a business person
  • The content for the ads is presented in the first sentence
  • The message is to be delivered by ads
  • the most important stuff is the biggest and then the small print is, small print

1. Trends are important to see what is cool or not before you make your ad so you can profit from your ad in the modern world.
2. Human nature plays a role in this because a. they always want the best of everything and b. today everyone is texting and it is the best for people to have a phone that can keep up with them
3. The potential audience is identified when in the first sentence it describes it the speed of the phone and its capability
4. before you must find out what they are into and what are their likes and dislikes so you have the possibility of being profitable

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Team Building: Survival at Sea

         In this activity we had to think if we were on a boat and it was going down what fifteen items would you choose in order from top to bottom to bring with you on the life raft.
  • on my own i chose a 25 liter container of water as number 1, and a small transition radio for number 2
  • These were my choices because in order to survive you need water to drink to fuel your body, the radio i thought was important to talk to peope with but at the time i didn't know you cannot talk back to people only hear them
  • my bottom choices were army rations and fuel
  • i chose these becuase i did not know that rations were food, and thought that if you were on the ocean how could you start a fire
  • my group rate the water and ration as one and two
  • i was close with fishing net and bottle of rum
  • one big suprise that the seat cushion was no where close to the top

Monday, February 14, 2011

Desk organizer project

In my group is Tyler Jake and myself
We are making a desk organizer
In my group I helped with the design and created the finished product
The picture to the right is of the design we choose to do

The picture below is of the other designs we had made but decided not to do

  Here are some pictures of it in Inventor