Monday, March 14, 2011


1) What is the TED organization about?
  • The TED organization is about new technology advancements and how they affect us, this site helps to promote inovations in science
2) What is the purpose of their website and how does the functionality of their site support that?
  • their website is getting mor peopl involved in science and technology
 3) As Engineers and Problem Solvers, which topic areas (the choices from the "Show talks related to:" section on the sidebar) are of most interest to us? Justify your answer.

  • the areas that are most interesting to me is technology and science, and engineering
 4) Based on your previous answer, what are 3 talks (videos) on the site that appear like they would be of most interest to you as an Engineer/Problem Solver? Justify your choices.

  • Three talks that appear interesting are the 17 words or engineering, and how solar power helps us inovate technology, and personal robots
 6) How could you get involved in the field/technology/issue you chose to hear about? What experience/skills/training/education would you need to learn to get involved with this field?

  • To get involved in the TED organization first you need a great idea, then you have to know someone, but the most important one is your idea and what you are bringing to the table so to speak

1 comment:

  1. What was your video about and why did you choose it?

    To clarify the last question, how would you get invovled with the topic of your video? TED would be a neat organization to get involved with as well.

    Good job figuring out how to post your video to your blog.
