Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reverse Engineering: Functional Analysis

  • The primary purpose of this object is to provide security for anything that you need to lock up, the only thing bad is for this lock you need some sort of extention to put through the lock to secure it
  • I think that inside there are a bunch of different gears and when they are exactly lined up you are able to pull out the lock
  • The componenet that are visisble are the acutal lock, the numbers to turn it, and the metal it is made out of
  • The components that i cannot identify are how it actually works adnn what the numbers line up to to actually make it unlock

1 comment:

  1. You're off to a good start on this one.

    You have wrapped up some of the functionality of the lock into the inputs and outputs. The idea is that we're just looking at what goes into and comes out of the object. So you put physical effort into it twisting the numbers and either openning or closing the lock. The output is the sound. Securing the object is the function but not necissarily an output. Let me know if you have any questions about this!
